Consider your communication style a dynamic dance. Each word and gesture is a step that can lead to harmony or discord. As a hypnotherapist and coach, I place a lot of value on words.
For women entrepreneurs, mastering this dance is crucial.
Don't focus solely on getting your point across—this involves creating connections, fostering understanding, and driving positive change.
Enter Nonviolent Communication (NVC), an approach developed by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. NVC can be likened to the 'Queen’s Gambit' in chess - strategic, powerful, yet non-aggressive.
This strategy could be your under-the-radar advantage for enhancing relationships with clients, colleagues, and employees alike
#1: The Four-Step Waltz: Understanding NVC
Nonviolent Communication involves four key steps: observation, feeling, need, and asking. Start by observing without judgment or evaluation—simply state what you see or hear. Next, express how it makes you feel and identify the underlying need causing that feeling. Finally, a clear question should be made about what action would meet that need.
#2: The Dance Partner Approach: Empathy First
Imagine yourself dancing with someone who constantly steps on your toes - wouldn't you want to leave? In communication, if we don’t empathize before making our needs known, we risk alienating our conversation partner.
So always begin by acknowledging their feelings and needs before expressing yours- this fosters mutual respect and understanding paving way for productive dialogue
#3: The Rhythm of Clarity: Be Specific
In dancing, precision matters—one wrong move can disrupt the entire routine! Similarly, being specific is vital in NVC.
Vague questions like "I want more respect" might leave people confused, but stating "I'd appreciate it if you didn't interrupt me during meetings" provides clear direction.
#4: The Improvisation Twist: Positive Language
Just as improvisation adds charm to any dance performance, positive language can enhance communication. Instead of saying what you don’t want, express what you do want.
This simple shift in language can have a profound impact on the tone and outcome of your conversations.
#5: The Choreography Blueprint: Practice Makes Perfect
Remember that learning a new dance takes time and practice. Similarly, mastering NVC won't happen overnight, but it will become second nature with consistent practice.
#6: Emotional Intelligence: The Hidden Dance Move
While not directly related to NVC, emotional intelligence is an important underlying skill. Being aware of and managing one's own emotions and understanding others' feelings will make implementing NVC much easier.
Nonviolent communication is more than just a strategy - this involves creating meaningful connections and fostering mutual respect - the perfect dance for women entrepreneurs seeking to lead with grace, empathy, and power.
With love,
P.S. Did you know hypnotherapy can help you with subconscious communication blocks so you can feel seen and heard confidently?!
I'd love to support your transformation with my specially tailored hypnotherapy and coaching packages!